The Titled Americans is a family saga spanning three generations, chronicling the glamorous lives of Leonard Jerome, his daughters, and their children. Raven-haired Jennie (“the beautiful’) married Randolph Churchill, younger son of the Duke of Marlborough and was Winston’s mother. Dreamy, blonde Clara (“the good”) was romanced by the dashing Moreton Frewen, a penniless younger son who unsuccessfully but relentlessly tried to parlay his immense charm into a fortune even though, one after the other, all his speculations failed, while quiet Leonie (“the witty”) married into the Leslies, a distinguished Irish family who were disappointed by their son’s bride. Although full of princely lovers, balls, and diamond broaches, the story’s heart is the intensely supportive and laughter-filled relationship between the sisters. Waves of grave financial hardship afflicted them all, but they always rallied to rescue one another. Beginning in 1840s America and ending in the middle of World War II when Britain was under the leadership of Jennie’s son, Winston Churchill, The Titled Americans is an epic story of family and fortune encompassing both the apogee and the twilight of the British Empire.
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